We put up the tree while Sydney was taking her nap the other day. When she got up it was all "Ooooo" and "wow!" and "Petty!" (Pretty) Then we let her put on her ornaments. They were plastic ones w/ disney princesses on them. She now knows that they are hers and points them out. She also likes to take them off the tree and play with them. These are the only ornaments she touches, thank goodness. She also already has some presents under there (Thanks to Mops and Pops Perry!) Other fun Christmas activities we've done include singing and dancing to the christmas songs on the radio. Her favorite so far is "All I want for Christmas is you" by Mariah Carey. She's got the
part down pat and she twirls and twirls until she gets dizzy and falls down. I'll have to see if I can get it on video and try to post it.