It was bound to happen eventually. I guess I just didn't expect it to happen just before bedtime. About 8:45 pm last night our little bouncy ball, was jumping on our bed and missed on that last bounce. Her arm looked like a little banana. Clutching my baby, we immediately drove to the urgent care up the street. She completely freaked for the x-rays, and a few minutes later we learned that the fractures were off kilter and at an angle that the Dr's on staff weren't comfortable with trying to reset. Off to the ER to meet the specialist. At the ER waiting room, there was a little activity center and a baby. She instantly forgot the pain and wanted to play with both. Then we had to deal with 4 attempts to get an IV in her, to put her out for the re-setting of the bones. (She inherited her mommy's veins, and they couldn't find one that worked the way they needed it to) When none worked they gave her a alternate drug that just made her high for a while. The hardest parts of this entire ordeal is that Jesse is not good with hospitals, and I wasn't allowed to be near her while they were re-setting the arm. They were using an on-going x-ray to make sure it was being set in the right way and there was no way a pregant lady was going to be any where near it. But Syd wouldn't stand for it with both of us gone, so Daddy had to suck it up, while mommy cried in the hallway everytime she heard Syd cry. The doctor put the arm in a splint for now, since the arm was swollen. A real cast will go on on Thursday. The best part though was when she was comming off the high and said "mommy". She bouced back so quick she impressed the observation nurse, to the point that we got an early discharge.

We finally made it home about 3 am. Syd slept with us the rest of the night. Today's biggest challenge though: Keeping a 2 year old from wanting to take off her splint. Pain hasn't really been an issue, but we were given some tylenol w/a kick for her. We have yet to give her any. The regular tylenol seems to be doing the trick when she says "ouch" and points to her arm. Needless to say that an already paranoid daddy, is now even more so. And a pretty easy going mom, hasn't taken her eye off her daughter for a minute (in fact she's sitting next to me right now). Sydney is fine. She's taking this entire ordeal like such a big girl. It's barely slowed her down a minute. That's the Bug for ya.......