This year had been hard. Trying desperately to get out of debt and seeing such little progress. Losing our nanny (and half a paycheck in the process). A difficult pregnancy, during one of the hottest summers of the past decade. The terrible two's!!!! Tragedy in our family, and for our close friends. There isn't a friend or family member who hasn't been impacted by a difficult hardship, that we know of. And yet through all this crud we've had to wade through this past year I find myself reflecting on the things I'm thankful for. They seem little when you look at them separately, but the little things add up. The ones that stand out most are a little obvious: My sweet hubby and wonderful girls. And some that aren't: that my relationship with my siblings has grown a lot over the past year. And the ones that make me laugh: I'm truly thankful for sweet pickles being there for a crazed pregnant woman with cravings! My list this year is truly too long to type up. So I'll just post a few pictures of my fav's:
Loving and supportive friends
The sweetest sisters!
The best Baby-daddy any baby-momma could ask for!
There are dozens more, but mostly I am thankful to be where I am, with people I love. (P.S. I'm thankful for blogs too *wink-wink!*)