Monday, July 18, 2011

TP and Ramen

Kiera and Sydney have been doing their best to make me wonder what's going on inside their little brains today. Loulou has been climbing as high as she can get (usually onto Syd's bed) and then screams "mamamamamamamamama!!!!!" when she wants to get back down. Then she wants to hang all over me while I'm cleaning. Classic cry for attention. Textbook even. Unless I'm paying attention to Syd. Hmmmm.....that one's a head scratcher. These are the times she uses to find the toilet paper, or my Avon catalogs, and proceeds to meticulously tear them to shreds. With all the recent sales on school supplies I have the notion to get her a bunch of notebooks and then her have at them. We'll just recycle the shreds.
Sydney on the other hand is very much her father's daughter. Many of you who know him well know that he can go all day without feeling any twinge of hunger, unless someone waves a 22oz. steak in front of his face. Lately this has been Sydney (sans steak). I have to tie the child down to her chair to get her to just look at food. OK maybe I'm exaggerating just a little, but I swear this kids can survive on the microbes floating in the air. That's how little she eats.
Then this morning she wakes up and requests eggs. 'OK.' I'm thinking, 'she likes eggs. I'll make her some.' 30 minutes later she's requesting gogurt. Also normal, she loves those things. What I wasn't expecting was a food request every 15-30 minutes for the rest of the day ranging from more eggs to hotdogs to mac and cheese. I have spent more time in the kitchen today than I usually spend all week. Then came the kicker: My child climbed into a box of stored food and found a case of Ramen noodles. She then brought me the box and said "Look Mommy! I found noodles! Have some?" Yes you may. I already had some "noodles" out, so she kept the box and wouldn't let me have them back! She was so afraid that if I took her box she wasn't going to get her noodles. Call me an opportunist, but I had to get the camera out on this one. This is one of those days when I'll look back and say to her "I don't know why you thought you were starving that day, but you held onto that box of ramen like your life depended on it! And were naked."

Monday, July 4, 2011

Playing Catch-Up!

OK, yes I know it's been a while. That being said here's whats been going on in the Asmus Clan:
*We're trying to move!*
Not far, still in SC. (sorry west-coasters. we aren't getting any closer.) Also note the word "try". It's been very challenging! Who knew there was sooooo much you had to do to get land ready for habitation?! OK so we knew most of it, but that doesn't mean it's not time and money consuming. I won't bore you with the details, but lets just say it's a LOT!
*We're trying to sell/rent our current house!*
Also a challenge. Our house is a little bit torn up at the moment (read: being renovated), because we're still on the fence about the buy vs. rent argument. Each side has it's pros and cons. I'm pro-anything-that-gets-us-out-of-this-house-and-into-the-new-house-without-losing-money-or-getting-deeper-in-debt. So like I said before: the house is torn up at the moment. Anyone that knows Jesse, knows that he's Webster's definition of "Handy-man". Needless to say, our current house has many fabulous features that have my husband's sweat in them. But with the sagging market for selling and the rising market of's a tough decision.
*The kids are getting BIGGER!!!*
"Duh!" you say?! yeah got me there. I really shouldn't be surprised. But then I take LouLou to the Dr. and find out how much she's grown, or take out a picture of Syd as a baby and I get all nostalgic. Time is flying, and there's not enough battery life in my camera to capture it all!!!! And I know I can't (read: shouldn't) keep all of their baby stuff.....but dang it! It's hard to let go of my baby's time being a baby! (read: Why oh Why can't they stay this little and cute forever?!?!*sniffle*)
*I'm going crazy!*
Also "Duh"?! got me there. It seems that juggling being a mommy with 2 other jobs, a home renovation, and home building has left me very little down or me-time. See? I'm even taking a brief over-lapping nap time to write this up. That's what I mean: crazy as a loon! while I could be painting my toe nails, or even getting a shower (by myself), here I am catching up on some neglected blogging. Oh, well. A Mom's job is never done. Maybe the next post won't be so far off.....if I can ever slow down for a minute!