Have you ever got so tired of doing something you finally decide its time do something about it? Well I did! I got sick and tired of having to pull the stupid chain on the ceiling fan to turn the light off so the fan would stay on. So I ripped the switch out of the wall ran
a piece of 12-3
romex hooked up a duel switch and solved the problem. It took about two hours only because I had to take the whole fan apart, but it was well worth it. Now the light is on a switch and the fan is on a switch. I can finally rest!!!!! Oh yea and Amber was on my behind to get it done, she was tired of pulling the chain too.
Well done! I'm glad that it is something that you can do yourself and not have to pay some to do it.
Are you going to turn into one of those Dads that can fix anything??
That is what I do I work in the Facilites department at work I studied the bussiness side of facilites for 5 years, if it breaks these hands can fix it. If my brain crashes I may need Rob to reset it for me
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