Check out Cera's face. Poor thing was scared of the birds and at one point one landed on her backside. She completely freaked and I had to take her cup from her while she ran out of the cage. Jade however thought it was the coolest thing she's ever done. We love this place. I think next year we'll get a membership. We've gone so often this year that we could have saved some money by getting one. Sydney has such fun when she goes here. She's still scared of feeding the goats, but Chrissy the Giraffe wasn't so bad this time. She especially loves the penguin house. She ran all over that place. Yup, I definitely foresee a Zoo membership in our future!
1 comment:
Oh my goodness I wish there was a zoo close enough that I could take the kids for a day. Looks like it was so awesome!!
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