Halloween is my favorite time of year! Mostly for the fact that as an adult, I can play dress-up and get away with it. This year the theme of our yard is going to be an Insane Asylum in the goofiest sense. Complete with "Beware of Duck" (yes, duck) sign and an easter-egg tree. And of course no halloween decor would be complete without the goofy grin Jack-o-lantern! I got a few weird looks while i was putting up the easter eggs, but it's all in good fun. Halloween gets too scary sometimes. With Sydney being so little, I want her to think it's fun, not scary.

By the way...Sydney Loves the pumpkin and so far thinks the eggs are great! We even had to leave a few down so she could play with them.
That is so fun! Wish we could see it for reals.
That is such a great idea for to make not scary for her. I have been trying to think of ways to make it not so scary for my kids too. I may have to rem,ember this idea when we have a yard to decorate.
We never did this when I was growing up. When you live in the middle of nowhere, and have no neighbors, who's gonna see it? But all my neighbors are decorating and I just couldn't resist jumping on the bandwagon!
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