Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Snow day!
Squish, Squish, Eww Eww! Sydney Bug has turned 2!
My little Bug is 2! Sydney's birthday is on the 16th but we celebrated it on V-day. We threw her a little party at my parents house. The theme was mud and bugs. No frills and girly stuff for my little wiggle worm. She loved it! The whole cake experience was way different from last year when she ate nothing but frosting and made herself very sick. This year she was very excited about blowing out the candles, but wouldn't touch the cake. Even when Pop showed her how to draw on mommy's face with the pudding we used as frosting. Instead she was more interested in the bug shaped fruit snacks and gummy worms that were crawling all over the cupcakes. Later when is was present time she really got into opening the cards. She even got mad when i sat one aside for her to open after she got done with the present she was working on. I didn't make that mistake again. She had a blast, and everyone really got into her party. Did I mention she's the only grandchild/great-grandchild on my side? She's very VERY sopiled. Boy is she in for a shocker when the next baby comes along!
Friday, February 12, 2010
It's an It!
Dr's visit went well. We had an ultrasound and the baby is there, and the heartbeat is good and strong. The baby even suprised the Dr. by wiggling a little bit. He said now is about the time they started doing that, but he hadn't seen one move this early in a while. I'm 9 weeks now and due on September 19th. We got a dvd of the ultrasound. It's too long to post here but we'll try to get some stills from it or try to edit it to post. Now on to the next adventure: Sydney's b-day. (it's next week) and I've got a party to put on!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Nausea sucks. and mine is brought on by smells. Especially raw meat and really strong smells. Now I can't cook, and I love to cook! The other night, when I got off work, Jess had made BBQ Chicken mashed potatoes and green beans. It was like walking into a wall when I got to the kitchen and I couldn't eat hardly anything. The next morning I had to beg my sister Cera to clean the kitchen and rid it of the BBQ smell. After about 20 minutes and some bleach it was safe to go get some cereal. My sweet darling husband had put my un-eaten portion of the offending chicken in the fridge. And when I went to get the milk...... Lets just say I don't like my kitchen very much right now. I also really hate not being able to cook myself. I'm just glad that it won't last forever.
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