We Never get snow in South Carolina! In fact I only remember two other dustings in my lifetime. Once when I was four and once when I was sixteen. My dad tells me the last time it snowed this much was in the late 70's. We got at least 6 inches at my parents house. That was more than enough to have several snowball fights, decorate the yard with snow angels, and build Herman-our snowman. He was truly a southern snowman. His eyes and mouth were made from old pecans and his nose was a corn cob we found out in the field by my parents house. And you can't tell by the picture, but he's sitting in the birdbath so the dogs wouldn't knock him over. We had a blast, but I think Sydney didn't know what to do with the white stuff. She ran around in it a lot and tried to throw a few snowballs. She would get sidetracked every time she threw one, since she then wanted the snow off her glove! Her Favorite part about it was eating it. Ya-ya would get some clean snow and let her lick, or bite it to her heart's content. Unfortunately, this is the south and the snow couldn't stand the fact that it warmed up to nearly 50 degrees by the afternoon. Most of the snow was gone before the sun set. Even Herman didn't last long. He melted so much on one side that he fell out the birdbath and he was reduced to a pile of mush. Sydney didn't want to leave the snow. We literally had to drag her kicking and screaming back into the house just to warm up her fingers and toes!

1 comment:
Oh so that is where our snow got misdirected to.
You guys have fun with it until it decides to come home.
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