And again, and again, and again......Sydney is still potty training. We have spurts where it really is just easier for her to be in diapers and then it's easier for her to train. Last month the weather was so cold that she needed to wear pants. She didn't want to take off her bottoms and then put them back on, so we would fight every time we tried to go potty. We backed off for a while, but now the weather is very warm!! Yay! Which is great since she's also going through her naked phase. She'll keep the panties on but you can forget everything else. I've decided to pick and choose my battles so she can be naked at home, but she understands that she has to wear clothes when we go places or outside. This has made it infinitely easier! So far we've got a potty and a reminder timer and books to read while we are waiting. She thinks it's great and understands what the timer means and what the potty is, but doesn't quite get that "things" need to go in the potty. Still trying.........we'll get there......eventually........
I hear ya! Potty training is never any fun I don't think it matters if it is a boy or girl. Chloe is training again right now. She is doing awesome though, We tried a few months back and I just couldn't handle it so I put back in a diaper and started this time when she wanted to and she was really ready this time.
I think it helped her to have a big sister that wore cool panties.
I hope it gets better for you.
Also one thing that we do when they have an accident is give them a shower, they seem to learn faster that way.
I hope you can get it done before baby number two make the arrival.
Wow, so glad to hear that someone else is having similar issues!
We're in full force commitment right now. We're NOT going back to diapers no matter what! I'm not going to be bothered by cleaning up 4 accidents a day!
I don't know what it is, but Dillan was waaaaaayyyyy easier!
Way to go Sydney! You can do it!
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