Thursday, August 5, 2010

So very busy!

OMG! There is so much going on right now. First we had a baby scare. She's fine. She was just feet first, which meant C-section was the only safe option, and even then the cord could get tangled. Well, it petrified me that my baby could be in any danger. But that crisis is over, since she flipped (two very painful days of her being sideways!). Now she's head down and all lights are green for trying to deliver the old fashioned way. Now comes the hard part: giving this little girl a name. Jess and I have a few ideas for first names, however middle names seem to be our roadblock.

Then our very dear friends and Sydney's adoptive grandparents (Papa Arnold and Nana Cathy)lost thier son last week. We have been trying our best to be as supportive as possible. While they were gone to see family out of town, Jesse and some people from work got together and re-did the son's room. Not to erase all the memories, but it was in pretty bad shape. They're just fixing it up: new floor, getting rid of the mold problem, fixing the HVAC duct, etc. It was to be a suprise for when they got home later this week, but they came back early in the midst of the construction. They still love it anyways. Jesse hasn't slept well this past week, for worry of Arnold. They've gotten pretty close. He's also spent every available minute there either cleaning, fixing the room, taking care of the dogs, or just being there for Arnold and Cathy. We don't feel neglected, we've been with him most of the time he's there.

On a lighter note, Sydney has taken up dancing. She's got a bunch of these Barbie movies now, and all of them have dancing scenes somewhere. Syd just prances and runs and jumps all over the living room. She even immitates the arm movements when she can. It's so cute! See:

I'm going to have to get his girl some lessons when she's old enough. Three is the youngest they let into the dancing studio around the corner from us. That's OK, we'll just dance in front of the TV until then......


anderson.fam said...

She's got moves like her Daddy!
Get both of them lessons!

Hang in there for the rest of the pregnancy! I can't believe you're having another baby and we haven't even seen you guys!

Suzie-Q said...

Those are great dance moves! I'm a little jealous. Someday my girls and your little Sydney are going to have a lot of fun playing together.

Hope you are feeling much better these days. How much longer do you have?