This particular trait has translated over into potty training!!! Kiera sees Sydney use the big girl potty and wants to do it too! And thanks to Meme, she got some big girl panties (the training kind) for Christmas! I waited with Sydney to not start training until after she was 2. But if Kiera wants to give it a try I'm not going to tell her "no". She's actually got the idea down. I sit her on the little potty and I can hear her try to go. It's really cute! (sorry, that's a Mom thing to think your kid going potty is cute) But she hasn't quite figured out how to tell if she has to go or not and we have accidents. Those times when she does go in the potty she gets so excited! It's the most adorable thing. (again, mom-thing) I'm not expecting her to be trained over night. So we'll just keep trying and go as long as she's willing to try...or she turns 2....whichever.

Sydney is now a Sunbeam!!!! My baby isn't a baby anymore. She's all grown up and in Primary! *sad face* She loved it though. The primary presidency gave her her own church bag with a folder to put her hand outs in and stickers to decorate her bag with and colored pencils. Those guys are so sweet. They loved her and said she was so good for them. She said she really liked singing time. I'm burning her a cd with this year's primary theme songs and a couple of other popular ones and keeping it in the car. I'm also downloading them onto her innotab so she can listen to them while she plays.
Sydney is also doing at home studies and doing them really well. I've been teaching her how to write her letters and name, and what sounds the letters make. We have this curriculum that my preschool teacher used for me and my brother, Miki. She gave it to my mom when she decided to home school us. It's taught all of my siblings how to read and it's wonderful. She's also doing lots of math and now knows a ton of shapes, can count to 30 on her own and to 40 with help, can classify sizes and types and all sorts of things. She's so smart! And her speech is doing so much better. If you didn't know, Syd wasn't speaking well and we were advised to send her to a speech therapist, but couldn't afford it. Just by us speaking differently towards her she has improved SOOOOOO much! One of my friends, Shelia, just said yesterday that she understood every word that Sydney said, when just weeks ago she could only understand half. It really has improved her behavior too. Now that she can verbalize her wants, there are less tantrums. There are still tantrums, but there are much less than there was before.
Kiera is a little parrot. I don't think we'll have the same speech problems with her. Her vocabulary is enormus! Her pediatrician said she should be learning about 1 new word a week, but in reality it seems a new word every day. She says things I didn't even know she new. She even uses them in the right contex. The other day a car drove by the house. She only heard it, she didnt see it. But she clearly asked me "daddy home?" and she bosses the dogs around and loves to tell them to "HUSH!!!" when they bark. It's so funny cause they actually listen to her.
Well I must go....gotta play referee over the barbies again.....
1 comment:
Your girls are adorable.
Abby started sunbeams too. I got a little teary sending her through the door.
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