For those of you who have heard us talking about Cera, this is her. Cera is one of my 3 younger sisters, who has so graciously moved into our home to watch Sydney while I go back to work full-time. We're taking charge of her Home-schooling, so yes she's getting an education. SHe's so much fun to have here. We love you Auntie CeCe!
That is so sweet! I wish I could have a sister here to help me out sometimes. I just stay home but there are time when it would be so much easier to be able to walk out the door and do the grocery shopping without having to tote 4 kids around.
Hooray for aunties! How nice for you guys!
Sydney is such a big girl, it's crazy! Love the bedspread and can't wait to see all the pictures of the finished room!
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