Dr's visit went well. We had an ultrasound and the baby is there, and the heartbeat is good and strong. The baby even suprised the Dr. by wiggling a little bit. He said now is about the time they started doing that, but he hadn't seen one move this early in a while. I'm 9 weeks now and due on September 19th. We got a dvd of the ultrasound. It's too long to post here but we'll try to get some stills from it or try to edit it to post. Now on to the next adventure: Sydney's b-day. (it's next week) and I've got a party to put on!
that is exciting that you got see the little "IT" now.
Have fun with the Party!!
Happy birthday Sydney! We really wish we could be there to celebrate with you!
Give Mommy and Daddy big hugs and kisses for us!
Leah is a Sept baby. Summer gets hot, just find some water close by. Not a swamp with gators though!
Yay! I am so excited for you! Logan was a september baby too! Although the little bugger came a month early and was supposed to be an October baby. Happy Birthday to Sydney! Post all about the party too! We all miss you guys so much!
Congrats Amber! Nothing like being pregnant all summer here in the south...just make sure you find a pool to float around in..hehe. Very exciting about your baby #2!
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