On our agenda:
*Meet some old friends! Some where, some how, some way, we just gots ta! No question about it, It won't be easy in the least.

*Party! Kiera's turning one! Can you believe it? Where did the time go?! Now with so much other stuff on our plate we gotta throw a shin-dig. And you know me: Ms Crafty! You think I'm going to let this party be decorated with store-bought stuff? You got another thing coming! I've already got in my mind the things I need to make, I just have to write them down and find the time to make them.
*Move on outta here! Not only do we have to get out, we gotta finish what we started. That means painting the kitchen, installing all the new appliances, clean like there's no tomorrow and the spot you get in heaven depends on how clean this house is! (or maybe that's just my slight OCD coming out) But fortunately I may be able to con my sisters and mother into helping. (insert evil laughter)
*Make Halloween costumes! OK Now you may be thinking, "But Amber, it's only September! You still have all of this month and the next to make those." To which I reply, " Oh, no I don't. With our living situation being what it is about to be, I will not only have my machine all packed up, but there will not be anywhere for me to sew!" Kiera's going to be Tinker Bell and Syd is going to be Rapunzel. And I'm already half-way done. I just gotta get them finished. This year instead of making myself something elaborate, like I've done in the past, I've opted for His and Hers M.A.S.H. costumes courtesy of some hot red lipstick and a t-shirt from Target. Say hello to "Hot-lips" Hoolihan and Dr. "Hawkeye"Pierce. I do have to track down a stethoscope though.....
* Find some one to rent our house. I think the renters we had lined up are having second thoughts. Oh well, such is life. No hard feelings and all. I'm disappointed, cause that means we might be having complete strangers living in our house. Not that I'm adverse to strangers in my house, but the group we were going to have were people I knew and trusted. My worst fear is that someone will come in, destroy all our hard work, and leave owing back rent for months! I know that not everyone who rents would do this but Murphy's Law keeps creeping into my mind. I just have to keep my chin up and have our friends at the Sheriff's Dept do a THOROUGH background check on any one interested in the house. And possibly have a good lawyer on the side.
And this isn't even all of it! It's already been a crazy few months, and it's about to get even crazier! I keep singing "Wake me up when September ends." in hopes that I'll wake up and October will be here, and everything on my to-do list will have magically been done. OK Maybe I won't sleep thru a few of the things going on this month, but would it be so much to ask for my fairy godmother to get to work on the other things?
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