Friday, September 9, 2011

Because of this...

Syd has a fever blister on her tongue! This nasty bugger showed up Friday evening and still hasn't gone away. Of course it would make an appearance on a major holiday weekend when the next available appointment for her would be the following Tuesday. Unless I wanted to take her to the ER, which I absolutely did NOT want to do. We tried everything and it just seemed to get worse. She lay around all weekend crying. It completely broke my heart. It got to a point where she completely stopped eating drinking and talking. Talk about scary! We did get her to drink some milk a couple of times, but that was pretty much all she would let pass her lips. Fortunately Tuesday finally came and her pediatrician gave us something to take the pain away. I am happy to report that as of yesterday I have my normal girl back.  It's still a little sore in the mornings when she first gets up, but for the rest of the day she eats drinks, plays and talks. I never thought I'd be so happy to have to clean up one of her messes again, but I found myself rather cheery the first time since she'd been sick.


Suzie-Q said...

Yuck. It looks gross. I'm glad that it seems to be getting better now. I would hate to have to deal with something like that.

Anonymous said...

Poor sad that she was so miserable. Glad she is doing better!!!