Tuesday, September 21, 2010

MY baby

Sydney has made sure that everyone knows Kiera is HER baby. It's very sweet. She wants to hold her all the time and when Kiera cries, she says "oh no!" and runs to see what's wrong. Then she pats her head gently and says "It's OK baby." She says "Kiera" so well, especially since she's still having trouble pronouncing lots of other words. Today while we were watching a bug's life in the living room, Sydney quoted the entire movie at her little sister and kept pointing out her favorite parts. Kiera fortunately was awake for most of it and was completely fascinated with the attention from her sister. She didn't care about the movie.

There has been no jealousy at all, and for that I'm grateful. In fact, she wants Kiera more than mommy! hahaha.... Now the only thing I'm worried about is Syd trying to pick her up and tote her around. So far she hasn't, but I'm just waiting for her to try.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pinewood Durby Dash Cam

This is a short clip on my pinewood durby car with a on board dash cam. The first is what it looks like going down head first. The second is my car racing against my boss's car. You will notice it behind mine.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kiera Louise Asmus

Well She made it! Kiera was born September 17th at 10:04 P.M weighing in at 8lbs 4oz. Amber is recovering quite well at the hospital while I attend to Sydney. Sydney met her new sister today and became instant friends.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jesse Builds a Slightly Modified Pinewood Derby Car

This year's Elders Quorum Social is an Ice cream party with an added pinewood derby race. There are no rules except the car cannot shoot flames out the back. Taking this to heart I added a few adjustments and this is what I came up with. Watch!

I added two 24 volt motors connected to two 9v batteries wired in a series to make it 18volts. I added a micro switch to the front of the car, which when it is resting against the gate cuts the power to the batteries off, but when the gate drops the juice flows and the car flies. Cool, huh?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Quickie update

Dr's appt. yesterday went well. He says I've effaced and just started to dilate, about 1/2 a centimeter. All that's holding things up is the baby's head hasn't engaged in the pelvis. But if she gets her head in gear then things will progress much faster. We've come up with a plan. I'll continue to walk and cut grass and jump on the trampoline, etc...(just kidding) and if we don't have a baby by next Thursday then I'll be induced on Friday. Honestly this is more of a convenience for him than me. He's on call at the hospital that weekend, so he'll be there from the start until I'm discharged. Either way I'm just glad I have less than a week longer to suffer!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's an alien!

I took this video a few weeks ago, but just now got it on here. This happens all the time, and it just looks so weird. I just hope that it doesn't mean this little baby it going to be HUGE! LOL