Monday, December 20, 2010

Lights @ the Zoo

It was really warm the other night, with temps in the low 60s. So we decided to take Sydney to see Christmas lights. The zoo always does a great job decorating and lets people come in after dark to see their lights. Most of the animals were tucked into bed but we did get to see the fish and farm animals and ride the carousel. Sydney had a blast. They even had fake snow falling all over the place!
Syd and her daddy

2 monkeys!

Giraffe rides are the best!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


This year had been hard. Trying desperately to get out of debt and seeing such little progress. Losing our nanny (and half a paycheck in the process). A difficult pregnancy, during one of the hottest summers of the past decade. The terrible two's!!!! Tragedy in our family, and for our close friends. There isn't a friend or family member who hasn't been impacted by a difficult hardship, that we know of. And yet through all this crud we've had to wade through this past year I find myself reflecting on the things I'm thankful for. They seem little when you look at them separately, but the little things add up. The ones that stand out most are a little obvious: My sweet hubby and wonderful girls. And some that aren't: that my relationship with my siblings has grown a lot over the past year. And the ones that make me laugh: I'm truly thankful for sweet pickles being there for a crazed pregnant woman with cravings! My list this year is truly too long to type up. So I'll just post a few pictures of my fav's:

Loving and supportive friends

The sweetest sisters!

The best Baby-daddy any baby-momma could ask for!

There are dozens more, but mostly I am thankful to be where I am, with people I love. (P.S. I'm thankful for blogs too *wink-wink!*)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Slacker Mom

Yeah, I know...I'm a slacker! It's taking some getting used to having a newborn again. This month's been busy too. Kiera was blessed by her daddy and Uncles Donnie and Carter. We also got a big suprise from Utah! Auntie Ginger came to see us along with Grandma. and once we got the house to ourselves Jess had to go to World Work Place in Atlanta. That left me at home with the two babies. We spent some of the time at the homestead in A-dale, and the rest of the time in C-town w/ Nana. Then I started back at work. It sooooo did not feel like it had been six weeks. Lil' Punkin-doodle has been growing like a weed and gaining tons of weight. We'll find out exactly how much next week at her checkup, but I'm guessing she weighs at least 10 pounds, judging on how fast she's outgrown everything!

Big Sissy Sydney is loving every minute of her baby sister. I have to watch her like a hawk though. She thinks Kiera is a baby doll and will try to play with her, resulting in a screaming baby and upset Syd. She's starting to have more tantrums, and has started randomly destroying things. Jess and I have tried to give her more attention, but this only works if we can both give her all of our attention at the same time. It's also suddenly turned cold here, which severely limits outside playtime. We figure she's just bored, and misses all of that undivided attention she's been used to getting.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

1st month

No, I didn't drop off the face of the earth. I've just had my hands full lately. This past month has been crazy! Both kids have been sick with the cold bug that's been floating around here. Now we're all better, but still crazy busy getting ready for all the company coming to visit this weekend. We're gonna have a slew of people from all over the country staying in our tiny house. It's gonna be great! It's a good thing I've got room and beds for everyone! Now here's the funny part: even after everyone's gone we'll still be running around with our heads cut off! As soon as eveyone's gone, Jess is off to WV then turns around and heads to ATL for World Workplace conference. The kids and I will most likely be @ the homestead with the folks or my sisters' or someplace down there. Then right when he gets back will be Halloween ( which reminds me... i've gotta costume to finish). And the week after that I go back to work. Oy! Better set my momma-jets to turbo!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

MY baby

Sydney has made sure that everyone knows Kiera is HER baby. It's very sweet. She wants to hold her all the time and when Kiera cries, she says "oh no!" and runs to see what's wrong. Then she pats her head gently and says "It's OK baby." She says "Kiera" so well, especially since she's still having trouble pronouncing lots of other words. Today while we were watching a bug's life in the living room, Sydney quoted the entire movie at her little sister and kept pointing out her favorite parts. Kiera fortunately was awake for most of it and was completely fascinated with the attention from her sister. She didn't care about the movie.

There has been no jealousy at all, and for that I'm grateful. In fact, she wants Kiera more than mommy! hahaha.... Now the only thing I'm worried about is Syd trying to pick her up and tote her around. So far she hasn't, but I'm just waiting for her to try.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pinewood Durby Dash Cam

This is a short clip on my pinewood durby car with a on board dash cam. The first is what it looks like going down head first. The second is my car racing against my boss's car. You will notice it behind mine.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kiera Louise Asmus

Well She made it! Kiera was born September 17th at 10:04 P.M weighing in at 8lbs 4oz. Amber is recovering quite well at the hospital while I attend to Sydney. Sydney met her new sister today and became instant friends.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jesse Builds a Slightly Modified Pinewood Derby Car

This year's Elders Quorum Social is an Ice cream party with an added pinewood derby race. There are no rules except the car cannot shoot flames out the back. Taking this to heart I added a few adjustments and this is what I came up with. Watch!

I added two 24 volt motors connected to two 9v batteries wired in a series to make it 18volts. I added a micro switch to the front of the car, which when it is resting against the gate cuts the power to the batteries off, but when the gate drops the juice flows and the car flies. Cool, huh?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Quickie update

Dr's appt. yesterday went well. He says I've effaced and just started to dilate, about 1/2 a centimeter. All that's holding things up is the baby's head hasn't engaged in the pelvis. But if she gets her head in gear then things will progress much faster. We've come up with a plan. I'll continue to walk and cut grass and jump on the trampoline, etc...(just kidding) and if we don't have a baby by next Thursday then I'll be induced on Friday. Honestly this is more of a convenience for him than me. He's on call at the hospital that weekend, so he'll be there from the start until I'm discharged. Either way I'm just glad I have less than a week longer to suffer!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's an alien!

I took this video a few weeks ago, but just now got it on here. This happens all the time, and it just looks so weird. I just hope that it doesn't mean this little baby it going to be HUGE! LOL

Monday, August 30, 2010

Too precious not to post...

I'm too tired to make it to bed.....

Such a sweet smile!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Redneck Pool House

If you're house is falling down, but the Pool's still might be a redneck.

This was just too funny of a picture NOT to post! It's at our friends Arnold and Cathy's house. That's one of the sheds that is in their back yard, not their actual house. The pool is structurally sound whereas the foundation of the shed has made it to the point of almost falling over by itself. Gotta love the redneck priorities!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Baby Shower-UNUM Style!

The Girls @ Jesse's work are amazing! And so sweet, too! They threw us a shower for the new baby. Jesse got enough diapers to fill the space under the crib. Sydney got some awesome Big Sister gifts, and mommy got fruit punch. Hey it was good punch! Just kidding, I got to scratch off some of the big ticket items from my "Still need" list. Here's a few pictures:

Syd helped open everything.

Big Sister gifts

Helping is such a big job!

And here's a good clip where you catch a glimpse of the belly.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Driving Miss Sydney

Last weekend as my friend Cathy and I were driving around some back roads, we passed a yardsale where they were selling some Barbie Power wheels jeeps. We got both for $50 (i'm a real good negotiator) and after charging them overnight one of them worked like a charm. The other needs a new battery but we knew that when we bought it. Sydney LOVES them! However she dowsn't quite get the idea of steering and pushing the pedal to make it go, so Daddy showed her how to do it......Here's the result:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Quickie update!

Had a Dr.'s appt. on Tues. Everything is right on track. Baby's still in the "go" position. Contractions are more frequent now, and my hips are moving outta the way (ouch!). I'm not sleeping well, but I think that has something to do with the hundred trips to the bathroom every night. And the feet are still as chubby as ever. I don't think I'm going to see my normal shoe size ever again. (then again, I don't see my feet very often anymore) On the plus side, getting ready for the baby has been feeding my insatiable nesting. Due date is still set for the 17th of September, but there's a poll going around family and friends that says i'm going to pop any day now. Honestly, I'd rather it be sooner than later. I think I'll go cut the grass........then ride up and down the fields........and walk around the mall a few times......and maybe even do some jumping jacks!

Jesse's office also held a baby shower for us. Yes untraditional, but they missed the opportunity to give us one for Sydney and there was no denying them. Got TONS of diapers, much to daddy's delight, and lots of other great gifts. Sydney even got a few "big sister" presents which she absolutely loves.

I'm still working, only evenings, and on light duty. I'm planning on working until either the 1st full week of Sept. or whenever I go into labor. Which ever comes first.

I think this answers all the questions I've been getting lately. If I missed any, let me know and I'll answer them.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

So very busy!

OMG! There is so much going on right now. First we had a baby scare. She's fine. She was just feet first, which meant C-section was the only safe option, and even then the cord could get tangled. Well, it petrified me that my baby could be in any danger. But that crisis is over, since she flipped (two very painful days of her being sideways!). Now she's head down and all lights are green for trying to deliver the old fashioned way. Now comes the hard part: giving this little girl a name. Jess and I have a few ideas for first names, however middle names seem to be our roadblock.

Then our very dear friends and Sydney's adoptive grandparents (Papa Arnold and Nana Cathy)lost thier son last week. We have been trying our best to be as supportive as possible. While they were gone to see family out of town, Jesse and some people from work got together and re-did the son's room. Not to erase all the memories, but it was in pretty bad shape. They're just fixing it up: new floor, getting rid of the mold problem, fixing the HVAC duct, etc. It was to be a suprise for when they got home later this week, but they came back early in the midst of the construction. They still love it anyways. Jesse hasn't slept well this past week, for worry of Arnold. They've gotten pretty close. He's also spent every available minute there either cleaning, fixing the room, taking care of the dogs, or just being there for Arnold and Cathy. We don't feel neglected, we've been with him most of the time he's there.

On a lighter note, Sydney has taken up dancing. She's got a bunch of these Barbie movies now, and all of them have dancing scenes somewhere. Syd just prances and runs and jumps all over the living room. She even immitates the arm movements when she can. It's so cute! See:

I'm going to have to get his girl some lessons when she's old enough. Three is the youngest they let into the dancing studio around the corner from us. That's OK, we'll just dance in front of the TV until then......

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Nothing says style like SeaFoam!

When we bought our house, the lady who sold it gave us a matching set of living room furniture. She was moving into her parents home to take care of her mother and had no room for it. This was very generous of her. We received said set: a love seat and matching chairs. They were little....very little, and sea foam green, like from the 50's! But they were still comfy and in great condition. That didn't last. Sydney has spilled every substance imaginable on this furniture in addition to drawing all over it with everything she could get her hands on. And turned it into her personal jungle gym! The fabric has withstood some heavy duty cleaning over the past 2 years, since I've scrubbed the living daylights out of it on several occasions (red koolaid will come out if you're more stubborn!) And the seat covers have been washed more times than I can remember. Which is why now it has come time to get a new living room set. Upon removing the covers from the dryer this last time, everything fell apart literally. I may be talented with a sewing machine, but there was no saving this old dinosaur. We even lost one side of a zipper! The size of this set is so tiny that it's prevented us from being able to find a slip-cover that will fit, and I just don't have the time to make a custom one. We'll miss the sea foam green, but I think I'm looking forward to getting "big people" furniture for a change.

Cleaning and Christmas

This week Sydney and I took a trip to the homestead minus Jess (he had to work). My Meme had asked me to teach a class on homemade cleaning supplies for RS and my mother had volunteered my sisters and I to sing for the community's Christmas in July celebration. The class went really well. The ladies all laughed when I offered them a drink of the homemade disinfectant (it really is safe to drink, but the flavor's awful). And they were really impressed at what vinegar can replace. I think the favorite though was the homemade liquid soap. They all had to use it!
As far as the singing goes, it was fun but frustrating. I think that the next time we get volunteered to sing again we'd better have more say so in what kind of music we get to sing. We were told (by Mom) it had to be gospel music, and that there were several churches participating (all of which were to sing gospel music). Me thinks the mother told us what SHE wanted us to sing and omitted other details. Turns out there were NO other churches participating and the other singers were singing Broadway hits or something along those lines. We weren't even listed as a Church singing group in either the paper or the fliers. We SO could have sounded better with Broadway songs or Oldies or almost anything else! Especially since we'd have an advantage being the only non-solo singers. Plus we always get talked into singing the same songs over and over again. It get frustrating since we have such a wide range in what we can sing. Oh time (cause there will be a next time, we're locally famous and get volunteered a lot) We're going to push for what we want to sing. OK enough venting......

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sydney is sick. Poor baby. Just a common cold, but enough to make her miserable. She's lounged around the house for the past two days and keeps waking up at night because she's congested. That for her is very unusual, since she sleeps like a rock and won't hold still during the day. She's pretty much slept with us at night so we don't have to keep getting her up out of bed every time she wakes up. We're doing everything the Dr. says we can do. If it gets worse, we'll have to get her checked to see if it's a sinus infection. I think she's actually feeling a little better today.
Pregnancy is doing well, although the Dr. says i'm a tad underweight for how far along I am. No matter, that just means more ice cream for me! Just kidding. Next visit in 2 weeks to see just how big this baby is going to be and to double check the gender. Sorry that ultrasound pics never made it up here. They really don't scan well, no matter what scanner we use (we've tried a bunch of them). No matter what we try they end up looking even more like a gray blob that they already do.
We've lost our nanny, for those of you who don't know. Cera decided to move back home, for various reasons. We're grateful that she's helped us out for this long. This means that I now can only work nights, which is a hidden blessing. The further I get along in my pregnancy, the harder it is to work those long 8 hr shifts running around on that concrete floor. Swollen feet, a sore back and very painful sciatic nerve were all creeping up on me by the time Cera had made her decision. Now I'm down to 5 & 1/2 hr shifts where I get to sit for most of the time. No more sore back and sciatic nerve is calming down. See? Hidden blessings. (feet are still swollen, but that's from the 105 temps we've been having lately, not counting the humidity which makes it feel upwards of 110!)
Jesse's been busy as well. They had to move over 30 pallets of furniture on Tuesday at work, and here at home he's been moving all sorts of things around. He's installed the TV on the wall in the living room, put in a hard wood floor in same room and moved various pieces of furniture to different rooms. He's practically re-arranging the house. I think some of my nesting has rubbed off on him!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Think Pink

Try as we might, Sydney has not slowed down one jot! She still runs a-muck through out the house despite the big hunk of plaster on her arm. She's still using that arm as much as possible. She will draw and pick things up and hold her Simba or Puppy with that arm. Syd still climbs all over everything, and everyone. This cast has made very little difference in her mobility....... Cheesing it up!
Still climbing all over.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Learning to fly!

It was bound to happen eventually. I guess I just didn't expect it to happen just before bedtime. About 8:45 pm last night our little bouncy ball, was jumping on our bed and missed on that last bounce. Her arm looked like a little banana. Clutching my baby, we immediately drove to the urgent care up the street. She completely freaked for the x-rays, and a few minutes later we learned that the fractures were off kilter and at an angle that the Dr's on staff weren't comfortable with trying to reset. Off to the ER to meet the specialist. At the ER waiting room, there was a little activity center and a baby. She instantly forgot the pain and wanted to play with both. Then we had to deal with 4 attempts to get an IV in her, to put her out for the re-setting of the bones. (She inherited her mommy's veins, and they couldn't find one that worked the way they needed it to) When none worked they gave her a alternate drug that just made her high for a while. The hardest parts of this entire ordeal is that Jesse is not good with hospitals, and I wasn't allowed to be near her while they were re-setting the arm. They were using an on-going x-ray to make sure it was being set in the right way and there was no way a pregant lady was going to be any where near it. But Syd wouldn't stand for it with both of us gone, so Daddy had to suck it up, while mommy cried in the hallway everytime she heard Syd cry. The doctor put the arm in a splint for now, since the arm was swollen. A real cast will go on on Thursday. The best part though was when she was comming off the high and said "mommy". She bouced back so quick she impressed the observation nurse, to the point that we got an early discharge.
We finally made it home about 3 am. Syd slept with us the rest of the night. Today's biggest challenge though: Keeping a 2 year old from wanting to take off her splint. Pain hasn't really been an issue, but we were given some tylenol w/a kick for her. We have yet to give her any. The regular tylenol seems to be doing the trick when she says "ouch" and points to her arm. Needless to say that an already paranoid daddy, is now even more so. And a pretty easy going mom, hasn't taken her eye off her daughter for a minute (in fact she's sitting next to me right now). Sydney is fine. She's taking this entire ordeal like such a big girl. It's barely slowed her down a minute. That's the Bug for ya.......

Thursday, June 10, 2010

You asked for it and here it is!! Sydney decided it was a good idea to spread lipstick all over her body and roll around on the couch and floor with no respect! The couch and carpet did not survive people!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Quicky Update

Had Dr's appt. yesterday. Everything's good, despite the swollen feet and back aches. "Just keep cool" was the best advice I got. I have since lived in front of the fan.
Syd's getting more independant. She has now decided absolute nakedness is THE best thing ever! That roll of duct tape in the closet is looking like a great solution right now. But to my great relief she is talking more now. Less chinese, more real words. Her favorite new word is popcicle, and demands about a dozen of these a day. (Not that she gets them...) Now if I could only get her to keep quiet while mommy needs a nap......Guess I can't have it both ways, oh well. The terrible twos are in full swing at our house and "No" is the "on" switch for them. I ignore most, since she gives up easily, but something a little more is needed when she keeps going. Mommy's so mean. She is really sweet though. She loves mommy's belly, and affectionately rubs it and says "baby". She also bumps it with her nose and says "gonk!" but we think that's cute too. She really is a good little girl........most of the time.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Big Crane

More Pictures of the big crane and one of the six generators

Jesse Plays with big crane at work

If you never have a seen a big crane put together a even bigger crane here you go. Here is a 2 ton crane putting together a 8 ton crane. The peice you see hanging in the air is the arm boom, it came on its own seperate trailer. Today we lifted 6 count them 6 generators with 6000 gallon fuel tanks over a 16' wall, all I have to say is awesome!!!!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Wierd week

For those of you who don't know, my Great-uncle Lee took his own life on Monday. He had been ill, and I suppose he just couldn't handle it anymore. I'm so glad Mom waited until I got home from work to tell me. I wouldn't have been able to drive myself home. I freaked for a few minutes then immediatly started on the kitchen. When I'm stressed I have to be busy. I can't hold still, or I'll get overwhelmed, or start to cry and neither one will help me get through the pain i'm going through. It's just better for me to keep my hands and mind on something else until the shock has worn off. Then I can handle it better, but that's just me. Needless to say there's now an assortment of organic homemade cleaning products stocking my pantry. That was only on Monday!
Tuesday was baking day and I felt better knowing that everything I was making would be served to the family after the funeral. I made 3 batches of biscuits, 2 batches of rolls, 4 different flavors of muffins, and 2 batches of mini-cheesecakes. Another plus to my keeping busy: I'm so tired by the end of the day that I have no trouble sleeping, even though my mind is very troubled.
At the funeral, I saw people I hadn't seen in almost a decade. It was wonderful to see them despite the circumstances. And it better not be another decade before I see them again (you know who you are). Catching up with them didn't take long. It was as though we had seen each other yesterday. But that's just the kind of family we have.
Thursday, (work gave me 3 days off) I made Cera do some heavy lifting for me so I can get the baby clothes sorted and see if I can get those stains out (again). Everyone was surprised to see me come in today though. I just ran out of things to do at home and needed something fresh to keep me busy. It worked. Now I'm exhausted and my feet are swollen.
I think enough of the shock has worn off for me to now process my feelings in a rational manner, like I prefer..... If not, there's always sewing!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

lions & tigers & lorekeets?!?

Oh My! The Bowers/Asmus girls hit the zoo today. (Have I mentioned how much we love this place?) This time it was just us sisters and the Bug. Syd had a grand time, and hardly had to walk anywhere. She fed Chrissy, the giraffe, and the goats. She also just loves the statues around the place, since she got to crawl all over them. In the aquarium, she ran from tank to tank and pointed out every "shish" or said "wow!" when she didn't know what it was. She especially liked the owl at the bird show. Sydney liked the Lorekeets until one landed on her head. One of the Lorekeets that landed on me loved my camera and didn't care about the treat I had in my hand.
We got a suprise just as we were leaving. The wallaby exhibit wasn't going to open until this Saturday. Of course we didn't know that until we actually got there! Well as we were walking past the wallabies, a group of Zoo directors were being shown how the exhibit was supposed to work (it's a walk-through where you can go inside and walk around with the animals, so cool!). One of the Staff saw us and asked if we wanted to try it out. Of course we did!!! Sydney was beside herself and wanted to run right up to them. Unfortunately we had to stay on the little trail and couldn't let her go over to them. But we got some cool pictures of them.
(P.S. More pics on facebook!)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Go on....take a guess.......

YAY!! I finally have a much better idea about what's going on inside me. Dr. says it's most likely a girl, so that's what we're going with unless told otherwise @ the 30 week visit. I'm much less crazy than before. It's almost a relief and now the crazy nesting can continue. They don't know it yet, but Cera and Jesse will be pulling all of Syd's stuff down from the attic so I can go thru it and clean everything within an inch of it's life. (evil snicker) So baby is doing well. She has a good strong heart, and looks like she's going to be slightly chubbier than her big sister. Everything was there. I counted her fingers, but didn't get to see her toes. They even moved my due date up a little to the 17th instead of the 19th. Trust me, those two days will matter to me when I'm that close! I've been in such a good mood that I've even told Jesse he can pick out her name (I still have to approve). Baby was in rare form, too. She wouldn't hold still for most of the ultrasound. And she even reacted to the Dr.'s voice. When he laughed loudly, she jumped! It was so cool. It's been one of those days when you're glad you're a mom. I love it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Going crazy

Now I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a patient person. And I'm almost OCD when it comes to planning. I plan everything right down to the minute. (At least the things I know I can control.) Ask Jesse about my lists. I make lists for everything, and charts, too. I'm downright quirky when it comes to being in control of organizing things. And it drives me nuts when I have to wait for deadlines before I can move to the next step. So naturally the wait (not weight, hehehe) of finding out the gender of this baby is killing me! I don't know if I should haul out Sydney's old things, or hunt down every clearance rack in Columbia for deals on blue stuff. And I haven't even let myself crack open my baby name book yet, just so I don't add to my own insanity. The worst part has been the past week, just because I get the chance to find out on Thursday. This Thursday. Like in 2 more days, ya'll. I'm gonna lose my mind! People have been asking me which gender I'd prefer and my response lately has been: "I don't care anymore! I just wanna know!!!!" (picture me pulling my hair out) I know it's just me being silly, but I really can't help it. I don't know how women did it before there were ultrasounds. I don't think I would have made it. I'd be giving birth in the crazy house......Did I mention that a flair for the dramatics runs rampant in my family? Once I do find out, rest assured the word will be spread. And I'll be able to get back to my crazy nesting that I also haven't been able to control. My only comfort is that I know I can't be the only pregnant women to lose her marbles over this gender thing, and I won't be the last. 2 days..........lets see if I can make it!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Try try again......

And again, and again, and again......Sydney is still potty training. We have spurts where it really is just easier for her to be in diapers and then it's easier for her to train. Last month the weather was so cold that she needed to wear pants. She didn't want to take off her bottoms and then put them back on, so we would fight every time we tried to go potty. We backed off for a while, but now the weather is very warm!! Yay! Which is great since she's also going through her naked phase. She'll keep the panties on but you can forget everything else. I've decided to pick and choose my battles so she can be naked at home, but she understands that she has to wear clothes when we go places or outside. This has made it infinitely easier! So far we've got a potty and a reminder timer and books to read while we are waiting. She thinks it's great and understands what the timer means and what the potty is, but doesn't quite get that "things" need to go in the potty. Still trying.........we'll get there......eventually........

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Big Kill

Well Jesse has killed his first turkey of the season! The birds were out in rare form on easter morning. My dad -the expert (he does this for a living!)- called the bird in and Jesse got him just as he was running into the clearing. I don't know who was more excited though, my dad or Jesse. Jess says my dad jumped up and was halfway to the dead turkey before he could even put the gun down! LOL We are very proud of our men. This was a very good sized bird. I could go into details about how old it was, if it was a good fighter, and how much he had been breeding this season, but that might reveal exactly how much of a redneck I am, so we won't go there. When they brought the big boy home we took some pictures (as you can see) and my sister Beka (aka Carson) ripped some wing feathers out-southern girls, what can we say? My dad took off the tail feathers so we can dry the spread and save it. No we aren't going to mount it. I'm not that redneck. Then he cleaned it. In a few weeks, when Jess gets back from some of his trips, we're gonna have fried turkey breast. (The breast is about the only edible part of the bird, the rest is too tough.) I can't wait. This is one piece of wild game I can have while pregnant, so i'm gonna enjoy all I can!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter fun

My Aunt Mel and Uncle Troy hosted the family Easter lunch at thier house and EVERYONE came! Oh it was so good! Then it was time to hunt the eggs. Syd donned her pretty new dress and grabbed her basket and all the kids took off. Sydney really got into this whole egg hunting thing. She even gathered eggs from an abandoned basket after all the eggs had been found!!!
Later we played with the basketball and Daddy helped her make some slam dunks. Then we got on the fourwheeler and rode around the yard a little bit.
It was a great Easter Sunday!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sydney's Slide

My cousin Kayla has one of those disk chairs at the foot of her bed, and Sydney discovered that it made a great slide. You can also hear one of her favorite things to say: "Hi! How are you?"

Just so you know, she did this for at least 45 minutes before we had to leave, and now repeats this activity everytime we go to thier house. (but only if people are watching her. That makes it more fun for her)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Down and Dirty!

Well the nesting has officially started a little earlier than I thought would happen. I've been busy, busy! And as a result, i've included the rest of the household in all my craziness! I'm making Sydney's easter dress, based on a $100 one I saw in a catalog. I've tried and suceeded at making my own laundry detergent, Thanks to Beth! (it really works pretty well) I've also planted some veggies in some planter pots. Now my seeds are outgrowing thier starter pots and are ready for the ground. Where to put them? How about where we killed the bee-attracting bushes by the back door last year? Great! Just one problem.....The stumps and roots are still there. Well daddy, get to work!
Not only did daddy get in on it (or rather forced into it) but Sydney decided to help by digging around and pulling up the big dirt clods.
Aunt Cera even got in on it and tried her hand at stump pulling. This just started as a whim, but has now escilated to include more veggies than I originaly planned. We're going to run out of room if I don't pull in the reigns on these projects!