Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jesse Builds a Slightly Modified Pinewood Derby Car

This year's Elders Quorum Social is an Ice cream party with an added pinewood derby race. There are no rules except the car cannot shoot flames out the back. Taking this to heart I added a few adjustments and this is what I came up with. Watch!

I added two 24 volt motors connected to two 9v batteries wired in a series to make it 18volts. I added a micro switch to the front of the car, which when it is resting against the gate cuts the power to the batteries off, but when the gate drops the juice flows and the car flies. Cool, huh?


anderson.fam said...

Detta, while your pinewood derby car is impressive, it reminds me of a joke.

Joke: What are the famous last words of a REDNECK?

Answer: Hey y'all, watch this!!!

Not that your car is dangerous, but it may be the start to a crazy hobby.
Don't become the punch line by creating anything DANGEROUS, OK???

Unknown said...

cool...and somewhat me a full size replica!!(but I want flames) xoxoxo