Friday, September 10, 2010

Quickie update

Dr's appt. yesterday went well. He says I've effaced and just started to dilate, about 1/2 a centimeter. All that's holding things up is the baby's head hasn't engaged in the pelvis. But if she gets her head in gear then things will progress much faster. We've come up with a plan. I'll continue to walk and cut grass and jump on the trampoline, etc...(just kidding) and if we don't have a baby by next Thursday then I'll be induced on Friday. Honestly this is more of a convenience for him than me. He's on call at the hospital that weekend, so he'll be there from the start until I'm discharged. Either way I'm just glad I have less than a week longer to suffer!

1 comment:

Suzie-Q said...

Hope the next week goes, well goes for you. Hope that baby makes the grand appearance soon.